In this blog we’re going to put into a nutshell how we meet the needs of children in the missing middle, so that all of our pupils get an education which is just the right fit for them.
We believe that special education should be integrated, individualised and innovative. With this in mind, our school model features the following:
- Environment tailored to sensory and communication needs
- Blended curriculum model, including access to mainstream classes
- Access to a range of high quality facilities
- Small classes with a maximum of six pupils in each
- Individual qualification packages including GCSE, iGCSE and vocational options
- Access to Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy for all pupils
- Therapeutic approaches that run through all decision making
- Holistic assessment of progress, underpinned by the bio-psycho-social model
- Innovative curriculum and curriculum delivery
- Ground level special school experience in all layers of leadership, including our central head office
- Qualified Headteachers with prior special school experience
- Qualified teachers with full QTS and prior special school experience
- Qualified Higher Level Teaching Assistants with prior special school experience
Look out for future editions of the Founders Blog, where we’ll talk about these key features in more detail.
Daniel and Amy